Enter the coach whose role is to stimulate thinking, engage
colleagues in professional conversations, and collectively problem solve, all
promoting continuous improvement. Great to move into that direction, but how?
Veteran coaches have already set the tone by working one-on-one
and in groups (small group and whole school) to provide consistent and relevant
professional development. If you have coached in the same building for more
than a year, you have established trusting relationships that foster
collaboration and open communication. You have sowed the seeds of sharing a
vision and working together for the greater good; that is, colleagues working
together to increase student engagement and improve student outcomes. You and
your colleagues have started the process of changing the culture of your
school. You are working together to ensure implementation of effective
instructional practices by focusing on individual and collective whole school
improvement. It is a team approach that strives to improve practice through
collaboration, reflection, and a shared understanding of what works well in
your setting.
Part of this “makeover” is to work with the administrative
team to ensure that everyone understands the coach’s responsibility in helping
to transform the culture of the school as it changes from working in isolation
to working as a team. It’s not about the principal holding individuals
accountable for working with a coach; it’s all about a principal supporting the
coaching role with ample opportunities for coaches to work with colleagues,
provide ongoing professional development, and encourage teachers to be
innovative in their instructional practices without fear of negative
evaluations. It’s all about the administrative team advocating that colleagues
work together, plan together, practice together, debrief together, and then
make adjustments where necessary, all in a no-risk environment. (Don’t be
alarmed at the amount of “togetherness” mentioned here. While a coach and
teacher are not joined at the hip, they are partners in planning, practice, and
problem solving.)