I just read a report entitled, “Standard for Teachers’ Professional
Development” out of the UK Department for Education. This report has determined
the following standards for schools:
1. Professional development should have a focus on improving and
evaluating pupil outcomes.
Professional development should be underpinned by robust evidence and
Professional development should include collaboration and expert challenge.
Professional development programmes should be sustained over time.
Professional development must be prioritised by school leadership.
Although we have embraced professional learning rather
than professional development as our standards, these are relevant for our
work. Each standard provides clarity of what should be recognized as effective
professional development.
For example, #1 above indicates that effective PD has
explicit relevance to participants; individual activities link logically to the
intended pupil outcomes; and the PD involves ongoing evaluation of how changes
in practice impact student outcomes. #2 includes effective PD develops practice
and theory together; links pedagogy to content; has an evidentiary trail to
support it; is supported by those with expertise and knowledge to help
participants improve their understanding of evidence; and challenges
teachers’ beliefs and expectations about teaching and learning. # 3 suggests
collegial problem solving; discussions about practice and supporting students
with similar needs; challenging existing practices to elicit multiple
perspectives; and support from someone in a coaching and/or mentoring role
to provide modeling and challenge. #4 above suggests that PD is iterative
and needs ongoing support and follow up; may include singular activities as
part of a PD plan; and includes opportunities for experimentation, reflection,
feedback, and evaluation. #5 suggests leadership of PD needs to be clear about
how student outcomes are improved; clear curriculum and vision are transparent,
modeling PD is an expectation for all; time and resources are available to
support the PD; and that priority and professional trust are critical for
Wow… sounds like a recipe for effective instructional coaching
and mentoring.
What do you think?