By Ellen Eisenberg

By Ellen Eisenberg, Executive Director of The Professional Institute for Instructional Coaching (TPIIC)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

At an alarming rate, more and more of us are suffering with our biggest rival – time! We “fill our plates” with so many things that need to be done that we sometimes forget that “less is more” and the importance of being deliberate and intentional in our work. And, of course, instructional coaching and mentoring are dependent on the time we need to provide a blended approach to support our teaching colleagues. That is, making time for F2F and virtual communication not only to answer questions but to really help our colleagues reach their fullest potential and to become more reflective practitioners. We need to work smarter, not harder, and not fall into a rut.

A recent SmartBrief on Leadership publication included an article from a Forbes newsletter by CDC Foundation President and CEO, Judy Monroe. In the article, Dr. Monroe shared five ideas for a successful professional career. And although not specific to education, I think these five are applicable to any and all professions:

1)     Step out of the box and embrace new opportunities that may bring unexpected results. Sometimes, we rely on the old tried and true and continue in that same pattern because we’ve always “done it that way.” Don’t waste time on something that doesn’t yield the intended outcomes; try something new and enjoy the learning;

2)     Take a risk and give yourself permission to learn as you go. Here she mentions that she learns from her own mistakes as well as from others’ mistakes… that makes my heart sing!

3)     Pay attention to the big picture and not just the details… what do you want to accomplish at the end of the day… not just the checklist of minutiae;

4)     Recognize the reality of work-life-integration since balance may not be a consistent practicable goal;

5)     Practice making time to disconnect, not just finding time to detach from workplace madness!

I would add one more thing…be honest to yourself and your colleagues. You are ONE person… remind yourself that collaboration and team building are even more important when time or lack of time is an issue. Strive for a shared vision for schoolwide improvement… that makes a difference!

What can you add to the above list for a successful workplace environment?

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